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Brotato Entrepreneur Build: Engineering Entrepreneur
Starting Equipment
MediumGame Mode:
EndlessOptimal Stat Priority for Entrepreneur
Must-Have Items for Entrepreneur Build
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How to Unlock Build Components
Some items in this Entrepreneur Engineering Entrepreneur build require unlocking before they can be used. Note that items listed in "Avoid" sections are also shown here - check the build details to see if unlocking them is necessary for this strategy.
Credits & Inspiration
This build was originally created by Cephalopocalypse. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and strategies with the Brotato community! While we've adapted and updated the build for our platform, we want to acknowledge the original creator's contribution to the game's community.
Core Strategy
Focus on engineering build to bypass the 50% damage reduction penalty. Prioritize harvesting early due to 50% bonus to harvesting modifications. Use turrets for primary damage output.
Required Stats:
Early Game
Aggressively reroll first few shops for harvesting stats. Get 6 wrenches quickly for Tools bonus. Position carefully to maximize turret effectiveness.
Mid Game
Build defensive stats while maintaining economy. Focus on HP regeneration and dodge. Level up wrenches strategically - avoid multiple level 2 turrets due to non-stacking burn effects.
Late Game
Maximize turret effectiveness with piercing and explosion size. Focus on survival stats since elite/boss killing capability will be limited.
Avoid Items
Avoid Piggy Bank as money is lost between waves. Skip items that reduce speed below cap or don't contribute to core strategy.
Spend all money each shop - items are 25% cheaper. Position to funnel enemies through turrets. Consider upgrading to level 4 turrets before horde waves. Snake can synergize well with level 2 turrets.