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Brotato Mutant Build: Newcomers Mutant Build
Starting Equipment
EasyGame Mode:
Danger 0Optimal Stat Priority for Mutant
Must-Have Items for Mutant Build
Creator: GravibusConsilii
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How to Unlock Build Components
Some items in this Mutant Newcomers Mutant Build build require unlocking before they can be used. Note that items listed in "Avoid" sections are also shown here - check the build details to see if unlocking them is necessary for this strategy.
Dealing damage. Why pistol?
Pistol is the cheapest ranged weapon (half a smg) so mutant doesn't suffer as much at the shop. Ranged damage plus attack speed have the highest dps output from upgrades. If you were to choose a COMMON TIER % dmg or crit upgrade, it's best to reroll instead. If you get a lot of high tier crit chance and your shotgun still at a low tier, you could sell it and focus on pistols. NEVER buy Feathers.
Required Stats:
Defense and survivability. No lifesteal
You must have some armor, hp regen and speed, but how much of them? 2-3-4 for speed-hpregen-armor is a good ratio. By wave 20, 28 armor is fine. Also try to have max hp four times the next wave, so you have 80 hp at wave 20. Don't be afraid of picking dodge but AVOID lifesteal. No consumable healing as well. Don't buy defensive items beside baby squid unless you absolutely need to.
Required Stats:
Economy-ish. Don't pay to win.
Any item that gives you materials is less effective, so we will be careful. We will focus on %XP Gain so never pass on a Scar or a Bean Teacher but avoid every other xp gain item, as they could be too risky their own way. Taking Peacock could be a great idea if you are going to wave 9. But you could also die! So take it only for fun. Also you must have a Spyglass. Both of them if you can. They also reduce the reroll cost of upgrades so you could get optimal upgrades more often. The only harvesting item that we could really buy is Fertilizer and Tractor. By wave 6 don't buy it anymore and avoid getting harvesting from upgrades. Luck could be useful from Lost Duck and Clover but only buy them if you are winning too easily or you have at least one Spyglass. Luck affects the tier of your upgrades. ATTENTION: FISH HOOK IS A MUST HAVE. If you get one, lock as many useful items as you can before leaving the shop. Cursed items are game changers.
Required Stats:
Just, why?
To help newbies to unlock the item you get from winning with Mutant. Also, to give some tips for players a little more experienced. A new point of view is always helpful to someone. Have fun!