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Brotato Ranger Build: Range Damage Ranger

Starting Equipment

Ranger character build guide with Revolver
Revolver - Starter weapon in BrotatoRevolver - Starter weapon in Brotato.Weapon stats: Every 6th shot has a longer cooldown: 2.07s/1.93s/1.80s/1.67s.Available as starter weapon.



Game Mode:


Optimal Stat Priority for Ranger

Range DamageAttack SpeedHarvestingArmorDodge


Revolver - Starter weapon in BrotatoRevolver - Starter weapon in Brotato.Weapon stats: Every 6th shot has a longer cooldown: 2.07s/1.93s/1.80s/1.67s.Available as starter weapon.
Revolver - Starter weapon in BrotatoRevolver - Starter weapon in Brotato.Weapon stats: Every 6th shot has a longer cooldown: 2.07s/1.93s/1.80s/1.67s.Available as starter weapon.
SMG - Starter weapon in BrotatoSMG - Starter weapon in Brotato.Available as starter weapon.
SMG - Starter weapon in BrotatoSMG - Starter weapon in Brotato.Available as starter weapon.
SMG - Starter weapon in BrotatoSMG - Starter weapon in Brotato.Available as starter weapon.
Pistol - Starter weapon in BrotatoPistol - Starter weapon in Brotato.Weapon stats: Pierces 1 enemy dealing -50% less to the second enemy.Available as starter weapon.

Must-Have Items for Ranger Build

Pumpkin - Rare Brotato itemPumpkin - Rare item in Brotato.Stats: +15% Piercing Damage. Can't go above base damage-2 % DamageAvailable by default.
Sharp Bullet - Common Brotato itemSharp Bullet - Common item in Brotato.Stats: Projectiles pierce through 1 additional target-20% Piercing Damage-5 % Damage-3 KnockbackAvailable by default.
Leather Vest - Rare Brotato itemLeather Vest - Rare item in Brotato.Stats: +2 Armor+6 % Dodge-3 Max HPAvailable by default.
Silver Bullet - Epic Brotato itemSilver Bullet - Epic item in Brotato.Stats: +25% damage against bosses and elitesAvailable by default.
Small Magazine - Rare Brotato itemSmall Magazine - Rare item in Brotato.Stats: +2 Ranged Damage+10 % Attack Speed-6 % DamageAvailable by default.


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How to Unlock Build Components

Some items in this Ranger Range Damage Ranger build require unlocking before they can be used. Note that items listed in "Avoid" sections are also shown here - check the build details to see if unlocking them is necessary for this strategy.

Ritual - Rare Brotato itemRitual - Rare item in Brotato.Stats: +6 % Damage+2 % Life Steal-2 EngineeringUnlock requirement: Win a run with Ghost
Win a run with Ghost

Credits & Inspiration

This build was originally created by BroccoliRob74. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and strategies with the Brotato community! While we've adapted and updated the build for our platform, we want to acknowledge the original creator's contribution to the game's community.

Core Strategy

Focus on range damage and attack speed while compensating for the 25% reduced max HP with armor and dodge. The character gets +50% range and 50% increased pistol range damage modifications.

Required Stats:

Range DamageAttack SpeedArmorDodge

Early Game

Focus on harvesting upgrades in the first few waves. Start with revolvers for consistent damage. Build up attack speed and damage early while you can still easily dodge enemies.

Required Stats:



Lemonade - Common Brotato itemLemonade - Common item in Brotato.Stats: +1 HP recovered from consumablesAvailable by default.
Gentle Alien - Common Brotato itemGentle Alien - Common item in Brotato.Stats: +2 Max HP+5 % Damage+5% EnemiesAvailable by default.


Revolver - Starter weapon in BrotatoRevolver - Starter weapon in Brotato.Weapon stats: Every 6th shot has a longer cooldown: 2.07s/1.93s/1.80s/1.67s.Available as starter weapon.
Pistol - Starter weapon in BrotatoPistol - Starter weapon in Brotato.Weapon stats: Pierces 1 enemy dealing -50% less to the second enemy.Available as starter weapon.

Mid Game

Start building defenses with armor and dodge. Get Pumpkin and Sharp Bullet for piercing damage. Add turrets for additional damage output.


Leather Vest - Rare Brotato itemLeather Vest - Rare item in Brotato.Stats: +2 Armor+6 % Dodge-3 Max HPAvailable by default.
Pumpkin - Rare Brotato itemPumpkin - Rare item in Brotato.Stats: +15% Piercing Damage. Can't go above base damage-2 % DamageAvailable by default.
Sharp Bullet - Common Brotato itemSharp Bullet - Common item in Brotato.Stats: Projectiles pierce through 1 additional target-20% Piercing Damage-5 % Damage-3 KnockbackAvailable by default.
Ritual - Rare Brotato itemRitual - Rare item in Brotato.Stats: +6 % Damage+2 % Life Steal-2 EngineeringUnlock requirement: Win a run with Ghost
Pocket Factory - Rare Brotato itemPocket Factory - Rare item in Brotato.Stats: +2 EngineeringKilling a tree spawns a turretAvailable by default.

Late Game

Focus on upgrading weapons to red tier. Balance high damage output with survivability through dodge and armor. Add SMGs for increased attack speed.


Silver Bullet - Epic Brotato itemSilver Bullet - Epic item in Brotato.Stats: +25% damage against bosses and elitesAvailable by default.
Small Magazine - Rare Brotato itemSmall Magazine - Rare item in Brotato.Stats: +2 Ranged Damage+10 % Attack Speed-6 % DamageAvailable by default.
Shackles - Epic Brotato itemShackles - Epic item in Brotato.Stats: +8 HP Regeneration+8 Engineering+80 RangeYour Speed is capped at its current valueAvailable by default.
Adrenaline - Epic Brotato itemAdrenaline - Epic item in Brotato.Stats: +5 % Dodge50% chance to heal 5 HP when dodging an attackAvailable by default.
Retromation's Hoodie - Legendary Brotato itemRetromation's Hoodie - Legendary item in Brotato.Stats: +2 % Attack Speed for every 1 % Dodge you have -80 RangeAvailable by default.


SMG - Starter weapon in BrotatoSMG - Starter weapon in Brotato.Available as starter weapon.

Avoid Items

Avoid items that reduce max HP since the character already has a -25% HP penalty. Be cautious with items that trade HP for other stats.


Blood Donation - Epic Brotato itemBlood Donation - Epic item in Brotato.Stats: +40 HarvestingYou take 1 damage per second (does not give invulnerability time)Available by default.


Keep your distance from enemies, especially during boss fights. The range bonus makes it easier to kite enemies. Focus on getting piercing damage for better crowd control. Make sure to have good defensive stats by wave 13-14 for the harder boss fights.