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Brotato Technomage Build: Explosive Engineering Techno Mage
Starting Equipment
MediumGame Mode:
EndlessOptimal Stat Priority for Technomage
Must-Have Items for Technomage Build
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How to Unlock Build Components
Some items in this Technomage Explosive Engineering Techno Mage build require unlocking before they can be used. Note that items listed in "Avoid" sections are also shown here - check the build details to see if unlocking them is necessary for this strategy.
Credits & Inspiration
This build was originally created by Dex. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and strategies with the Brotato community! While we've adapted and updated the build for our platform, we want to acknowledge the original creator's contribution to the game's community.
Core Strategy
Focus on combining engineering and elemental damage. The character gains 5% structure attack speed for every elemental damage point and 2 elemental damage for every structure.
Required Stats:
Early Game
Start by focusing on wrenches and basic turrets. The fire turret is particularly effective for crowd control. Prioritize armor early for survival.
Mid Game
Transition to explosive turrets for AOE damage. Use Pocket Factory to maintain turret presence. Focus on increasing explosion damage through items like Pile of Books.
Late Game
Add Fireball for additional elemental/explosive damage. Use Scared Sausage to apply burning effect with explosions. Maintain high turret count with Pocket Factory.
Avoid Items
Avoid the laser turret as it requires too much investment for limited return. Focus on fire and explosive turrets instead.
Keep a mix of burning and explosive turrets. Position turrets strategically around the map. Use the burning effect from Scared Sausage to deal with tough enemies through percentage-based damage.